ASOIAF Theory Time: There is no Azor Ahai, the Nature of Magic and the Pointlessness of War

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Welcome back folks.

So, I did promise that ‘ASOIAF Theory Time’ would be a video series from now on, however there are some theories which are so big and would take so long to explain that they’re better suited to a blog post, and here we are. As with every article, this is going to contain major spoilers for all the books in the epic fantasy saga and heavy assumptions and theories for future instalments, so if you’re an Unsullied show watcher or haven’t finished the books yet then turn away now.

Just to warn you, this analysis/essay/theory/thing is very long and is separated into three key parts; the first relates to prophecy, the second to magic and gods and the third to the nature of war inĀ A Song of Ice and Fire, however they all relate and interlink. The first part is going to be talking about some famous prophecised heroes in the saga, namely Azor Ahai. Let’s get started… Continue reading “ASOIAF Theory Time: There is no Azor Ahai, the Nature of Magic and the Pointlessness of War”