ASOIAF Theory Time: Aemon the Dragonknight and Jaime’s Fate

Part of the fun of A Song of Ice and Fire is all the little clues and repetition hidden in the narrative. George R.R. Martin consciously makes certain events “rhyme” with previous ones, and certain characters are reminiscent of those long dead. Not only is this interesting from a trivia perspective, it also allows us to guess and discover hints towards the future plot developments of the main characters.

In my opinion, the most notable character comparisons one can make within the context of ASOIAF are the following: Aegon IV/Robert Baratheon and Aemon the Dragonknight/Jaime Lannister. These characters are not identical to one another, however there are strong similarities and events and characteristics are twisted or flipped around for their modern counterparts. Continue reading “ASOIAF Theory Time: Aemon the Dragonknight and Jaime’s Fate”

Stannis The Mannis – #GETHYPE

I don’t think I’ve said on this blog before, but I’m a MASSIVE Game of Thrones fan. I know all the character names, histories, trivia, titles, lands, castles etc, have read all the books and am in the process of getting the prequel novellas. Unfortunately I only have a handful of friends who share my unhealthy obsession for all things A Song of Ice and Fire-related, but one of them showed me this video relating to a one STANNIS THE MANNIokay calm down jasper

Watch it if, like me, you are an utter Westeros nut. Continue reading “Stannis The Mannis – #GETHYPE”